Our Team


Rev. Ben Coppedge

Ben is the campus minister at UGA RUF—focusing primarily on upperclassmen and rising leader students.  During the tail end of his undergrad years at UGA, God brought him to new life in Jesus.  He also went to grad school at UGA, served as an RUF intern, and met Anna—his wife of 12 years .  After living a few years in Philadelphia while attending seminary, he and Anna moved West and served the amazing students at New Mexico State University RUF for 4 and a half years. Anna and Ben share life and a boatload of chaos with their four energetic kiddos—Eli (10),  Addie (8), Noah (7), and Evangeline (5).  Ben’s here at UGA for you and would love to meet up! You can reach him at Ben.Coppedge@ruf.org or 706-372-4627.

Caysie Ashton

Caysie is UGA RUF’s Campus Staff—focusing primarily on upperclassmen and rising leader students. She originally hails from Omaha, Nebraska and spent her college years at the University of Kentucky. She studied Integrated Strategic Communication and Spanish (we’re still not sure what that means but we know she’s sharp). She loves college students and knows they need Jesus as much as she does. Caysie loves Cookout milkshakes, Lucky Charms, and cherry Icees (and a few healthier things, too). She’s always up for watching a sunset and loves the experience of doing something she’s never done before. If you’re reading this, she wants to meet you! You can reach Caysie at Caysie.Ashton@ruf.org or 402-889-3163.

Felicity Holton (intern)

Felicity is one of our girls interns at UGA RUF—focusing primarily on freshmen and sophomore girls. She’s from Haymarket, Virginia and graduated from Virginia Tech in 2023 with a degree in Computational Modeling & Data Analytics (wow!). Throughout college, Felicity became passionate about deepening her desire to know and love Jesus, and RUF helped her do just that. Since RUF had such a profound impact on her, she is so excited to serve the students at UGA and walk alongside them toward Jesus! Felicity loves taking walks, exploring Athens, doing puzzles, cheering on any and all athletics, and late night ice cream. She is excited to get to know you! You can reach Felicity at felicity.holton@ruf.org or at 304-546-7476.

Eliot Jones (intern)

Eliot is our guys intern at UGA RUF—focusing primarily on freshmen and sophomore guys. Growing up in Chattanooga, TN, he grew lots of love for adventure and the great outdoors. This love of all things outside encouraged him to graduate from Mississippi State with a degree in forestry in 2023. Eliot loved being a part of RUF while it relentlessly loved him, helped him pursue Jesus, and taught him how to peel crawfish. He loves students, pursuing Christ, spreading the gospel, and spending so many hours playing pickleball. Most important of all, Eliot just got married to Eli Jones—see below! You can reach Eliot at eliot.jones@ruf.org or at 919-336-9905.

Eli Jones (intern)

Eli is one of our girls interns at UGA RUF.  She’s from Brandon, MS and graduated from Mississippi State University in 2023 with a degree in Educational Psychology. Eli found RUF at MSU to be a safe place to learn, grow, and find community in college and is pumped to be a part of that same environment at UGA.  She loves a good walk, reading a cozy book (preferably one with a rating of 4 or higher on Goodreads), playing pickball, and drinking an iced lavender matcha!  She’s married to Eliot and is excited to get to spend this first year of marriage with him in the internship.  You can reach Eli at eli.jones@ruf.org or at 601-850-6993.